Where did the Seed to Fork Blog go?
In Spring of 2022, Seed to Fork changed from a blog to a resource for Meg Cowden and The Modern Garden Guild (The MGG). While some content remains in our free Garden Resource Library, some previous resources, as well as future content, will be part of The MGG.
Why Change?
As anyone who follows me knows, I have long struggled with social media platforms. I love the connection, the people and the learning, but really dislike how we’re constantly challenged to produce more content in different ways to satisfy an algorithm that only benefits the social media platform’s bottom dollar. It frankly leaves me feeling like I’m never doing enough, and that’s just not a healthy way to live. Additionally, followers struggle to find my content as Instagram keeps making things harder, to become more profitable.
As someone who blogs, photographs, captures video and posts with no compensation, this has been an increasing demand on my time and made me begin to truly feel resentful, particularly when even followers were making routine demands for more content like recipes.
While I’m being completely honest, the algorithm has been thieving the joy of creativity for almost 2 years now. My most creative work occurs when I am untethered to the expectations and demands of social media. And this is the direction I must head to continue to be my best self and bring forth the most inspiring and timely knowledge to the gardening world.
I do not believe that we are meant to consume information at the speed at which we currently are as a society, and I most definitely don’t think the jarring, viral pops of soundtracks, voiceovers, and flashy videos that now flood my own social media feed are healthy for our nervous systems. I want to be a place of calm, and because I still prefer static photography over fast-paced videos that keep us hooked up to a dopamine drip, this feels the very best move for my creativity and well-being.
I’ve decided that if anyone is going to make money off my content, it should be me. Doing this work must justify taking time away from the garden, from my family, and from the other pieces of my daily life, all while having to worry less about the demands of modern social platforms.
I’m grateful my followers have long suggested and supported going the route of a membership.
But I LOVED your blog!
Thank you for loving and reading my blog. The blog was an amazing platform that opened doors the likes of a stint on PBS and my book. Your love and support is deeply felt, and with so much appreciation. I’ve loved the community that has grown up around Seed to Fork, and never want to lose it, or for anyone to feel as if they’ve lost that. It’s just adjusting slightly to the times we’re in, and I hope your support of the blog extends to me, Meg.
I really hope you’ll continue on to the next part of my journey by joining The MGG. If you don’t, that you’ll still be able to use and enjoy the free resources available online and peep the garden on instagram.
I didn’t save (—insert fav blog post—) because I didn’t know. Can you send it to me now?
Most of the most commonly requested posts are now located in the free Garden Resource Library. Look there for content you miss, or, of course, join The MGG so you get access to every article I’ve written.
You can also stroll through my instagram highlights and posts, where a treasure trove of free content remains.
Of course, my new book, Plant Grow Harvest Repeat is a massive download of information and I encourage you to pick up a copy for yourself and a friend.
Well, this sucks. Capitalism!
Welcome to the struggle in my head and heart. My biggest roadblock in launching this effort has been getting over the notion that money has a role in what we do. But it does. Time away from my garden, my family, and the other expectations in my life has value. The only way I can justify the time away is by getting fair compensation for it.
I am frequently approached by “sponsors”, which is the way influencers traditionally compensate themselves. But I don’t want to be an influencer (the word gives me hives). And I don’t want to hawk things to my community, so I’ve always said no.
I also have chosen to sink the costs of producing an advertising-free website for the past five years because I personally enjoy content that is direct, fast, and easy to consume. I have been underwriting your consumption by not having a gardening website with pop-up ads you have to play dodgeball with to get to the information nuggets nestled between the last items you googled or left in a virtual shopping cart that’s vying for your eyeballs and impulsive clicks.
Does this have value to you? It has enough to me that I felt strongly to sink those costs, and my content will remain ad-free going forward on all platforms. I am passionate that we can all consume less, both digital and physical consumption. I hope that The MGG will allow you to digest timely and inspiring gardening information in a manner that then takes you off your screen and into your beautiful gardens. It’s where we all need to be spending more and more time.
While I certainly won’t become rich from this venture, a small stipend will mean I can afford to spend the time on the content that readers have always wanted.
I trust the community to understand and support me in this next adventure.