Member Exclusive-How I Select my Tomato Varieties

Accepting there is neither room nor time to grow them all is the first step. Sometimes it’s hard to move past this. I get it. This is the annual plight of a home gardener.

In 2017, we grew a modest tomato garden. To some of you, it wouldn’t even qualify as growing tomatoes…. I think we had 6-8 plants in total. One each Sun gold, Brad’s Atomic Grape, and Cherokee Purple, plus two each San Marzano and Amish Paste. It was, in hindsight, a perfect succession of tomato goodness commensurate with a time in our lives where eating tomatoes was an exception.

Flavor is my number one priority; productivity a very, very close second. So, I am growing some tomatoes again that surprised me last year.. Read More.

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