Member Exclusive-How to Use My Sowing Guide

In an effort to reduce FOMO (fear of missing out) in all aspects of our lives this growing season, I am committed to helping you create a garden that works for you; a growing list that excites and motivates you; and a space where the information you need will be easy to find. In that vein, I want to spend some time breaking down my thought process for my succession planting sowing guide.

I imagine most of you reading this have my new and completely exhaustive succession planting guide. The pressing question even I have from time to time is, “Am I sowing things early enough? Am I too late?” Truly, I even wonder if Meg-of-season’s-past did it differently, because she probably did. But then I stop and remind myself that this is title a GUIDE for a very good reason. Because that’s all it is.

This most recent sowing guide — and its deconstructed, seasonal siblings that live in various chapters throughout my new book — are launchpads, not mandates. They are invitations, not directions. Spoiler: even I deviate from them from time to time. Like my head lettuce and beets …..Continue Reading

Hey there! Want to read the rest of this post? It’s an exclusive for members of The Modern Garden Guild. We’d love for you to join us.


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